{"id":1765,"date":"2021-02-18T13:40:36","date_gmt":"2021-02-18T18:40:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/charlestonhearing.com\/?p=1765"},"modified":"2021-02-18T13:40:36","modified_gmt":"2021-02-18T18:40:36","slug":"psaps-vs-hearing-aids","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/hearingsc.com\/psaps-vs-hearing-aids\/","title":{"rendered":"PSAPs Vs. Hearing Aids"},"content":{"rendered":"

If you\u2019ve been researching treatment options for your hearing loss<\/a>, you may have found a lot of information about both hearing aids and personal sound amplification products (PSAPs). Both types of devices are meant to help you hear better, so deciding which is right for your unique hearing loss can be tricky. While it\u2019s best to consult an audiologist to come up with the best solution, we\u2019ve compiled some information about both to help you get started.<\/p>\n

What\u2019s the Difference Between PSAPs and Hearing Aids?<\/h2>\n


There are three main differences between these two types of hearing devices: Class of product, amplification style and fit\/features.<\/p>\n

Class of Product<\/h3>\n

PSAPs are not regulated by the FDA, as they are intended for people who do not have hearing loss but desire to amplify sounds in difficult settings such as at The Charleston Convention Center.<\/a> While it\u2019s worth noting that one study has found PSAPs to be beneficial for those with mild sensorineural hearing loss<\/a>, this is not their intended purpose, and most people with detectable levels of hearing loss have better outcomes with hearing aids.<\/p>\n

Hearing aids are FDA-regulated medical devices designed to be programmed to compensate for the exact specifications of your unique type and degree of hearing loss.<\/p>\n

Amplification Style<\/h3>\n

PSAPs and hearing aids do not amplify sounds the same way. Most PSAPs work by amplifying all sounds within a given radius, including background sounds you don\u2019t want to hear. This can make it even more difficult to make out speech in noisy environments, and can even lead to further hearing damage.<\/p>\n

Conversely, hearing aids use broadband technology to select and amplify important sounds like speech while filtering out background noise that makes comprehension difficult. Modern hearing aids can also reduce feedback and whistling sounds.<\/p>\n

Fit & Features<\/h3>\n

The majority of PSAPs come in one-size-fits-all designs, standard settings and consist of only a microphone, amplifier and receiver.<\/p>\n

On the other hand, hearing aids come in a variety of styles, sizes and colors<\/a> to match your preferences, and are custom-molded and custom-programmed by an audiologist to give your ears the exact support they need. Many of today\u2019s hearing aids come with state-of-the-art features such as Bluetooth connectivity, rechargeability and tinnitus reduction.<\/p>\n

Getting the Help You Need<\/h2>\n

If you have a very mild hearing loss, PSAPs might be just what you need to communicate better. However, for most, hearing aids are much more suitable and well worth the cost.<\/p>\n

For more information about options for treating hearing loss or to schedule an appointment, call The Hearing & Balance Center at Charleston ENT today.<\/p>\n

Learn More About Hearing Aids<\/h2>\n